Rich Slate

Opinionated rich text editor on top of
slate framework

Rich Slate

Rich Slate is an opinionated rich text editor on top of slate framework. Slate is a completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. Rich Slate builds on top of it to abstact away all of the complexity. We don't provide much customization now but we will in the future.

Currently supported features

We support the most common rich text editing features but there is a lot more coming. Let's look at a frew of them here

Rich blocks

These include headings, code blocks, quotes, bulleted lists and numbered lists

If you don't like where you are, move you're not a tree. Quotes can be muti-line. To break out, press ctrl+enter

Here is a code block

boolean works = true;
if(works) {

Lists are essential blocks

  • That's true
  • I use them all the time
  • especially bulleted lists

Numbered lists are also usefull

  1. Am I right ?
  2. You can use them, too

Advanced blocks

These include separators and images

Here is an image. You can crop the image before and after you add it.

Image in editor

Let's end with a separator

Inline marks

There include bold, italic, code and links

You can't make code text as bold or italic but It can be a link. That makes sense, right ?

Markdown shortcuts

For example: To add a heading, type # then a space. Same goes for quotes, code blocks, lists which have their common shortcuts.

We have more coming!

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